Skintifique Review for December 2024 | Best Eczema Products (2025)

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2024 Eczema Product Reviews

Skintifique Review for December 2024 | Best Eczema Products (1)Skintifique Review for December 2024 | Best Eczema Products (2)


Skintifique Review for December 2024 | Best Eczema Products (3)

  • $56 for Eczema Relief Pack - Body
  • Includes Hydrating Gel Plus HS - 5.07 fl. oz. jar
  • Includes Moisturizing Lotion HP - 6.76 fl. oz. pump bottle
  • Up to 99% natural
  • Vegan and cruelty free
  • Two products for 24/7 care
  • Made in France

Sometimes when you look at a skincare product and you like their main hydrating ingredient but then see there's a plethora of other ingredients that you can't pronounce, you might wonder what's all in there. With Skintifique's satisfying list of ingredients they won't use combined with their cruelty-free pledge, there's no room for any harmful or questionable components. The day lotion and night gel work synergistically to help redness, dryness, itching, and irritation while you're awake and while you're asleep.

Moisturizing Lotion HP

This moisturizes and protects from the pollutants and metals in the environment. Use during the day to hydrate and protect the skin from environmental irritants. Skintifique has carefully selected only 13 ingredients for this product.

Hydrating Gel Plus HS

There are only eight ingredients in the Hydrating Gel Plus HS. It's a long-lasting and soothing cream that can be used on infants through adults. Apply to clean skin in the evening for hydration as well as relief of itch and irritation.

Using them together is better

You can purchase the two components of this eczema relief product separately, but they work better together to protect and soothe the skin almost 24/7. When you use the lotion during the day and the gel at night, together they relieve the symptoms of eczema including red, dry, itching, and irritated skin both day and night, and also give the skin a protective barrier from allergens and other environmental irritants. Plus, purchasing the pack qualifies you for free shipping.


Eczema Relief - Body is a vegan product and, consistent with European policy, Skintifique doesn't test on animals. Skintifique is made in France, so they are bound to more strict European skincare product laws.

Safe for all ages

You can use this product from infants on up, and it's safe to use while pregnant. They even have a list of ingredients to avoid while pregnant to offer information and peace of mind.

Skintifique Review for December 2024 | Best Eczema Products (4)

A lovely list of NOs

There's no: alcohol, EDTA (a chelating agent), endocrine disruptors, essential oils, fragrance, paraben, or silicone, so you can feel better about the ingredients that Skintifique uses.

30-day money-back guarantee

Give the products a good try to decide if they work for you or not, because you have 30 days to return the products. You'll be refunded the price of the product but not shipping fees.

How to request a return

By emailing, you can ask questions or ask for a refund. There's also a US phone number - San Diego area code - to contact them. There's no need to call France or write in French to get the information you need.

People love it

Skintifique's eczema solution doesn't have as much feedback as we'd like to see, and that may be partially because this is a product from overseas. In reading consumer statements, though, most are quite happy with the duo. Those who use only one of the products aren't as happy, stating that it's not quite enough. Well, those who use both are much more satisfied, so that makes sense. There were a couple who found these products irritating when used on the face. As with any product, there are people who either don't see results or have had a reaction. This percentage, though, is quite low.

We love Skintifique

Skintifique realized that there are different environmental effects on the skin during the day when we're out and about and at night when we usually can't reapply. Therefore, the dual set was a great idea. The Eczema Relief Pack is up to 99% natural, contains only a minimal number of ingredients, leaves unhealthy or questionable ingredients out, there's a 30-day return policy, and people seem to find great results. The price is also fair for a two-pack, and there's free shipping. We encourage you to give your eczema a one-two punch with Skintifique's effective dual approach

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The 12 Best Eczema Products

  1. Eczema Honey

  2. Skintifique

  3. Terrasil

  4. Green Leaf Naturals

  5. Wild Naturals

  6. Dove

  7. Biogetica

  8. H Eczema

  9. Cera Ve

  10. emuaidMAX

  11. Revitol

What's the Best Product for Dealing with Eczema?

You've heard of eczema, but do you know what it really is and do you want to calm it without a prescription? If you're confused, don't feel bad - there are actually seven different types of eczema. And, it's common - more than 31 million Americans have some form of eczema.

The most commonly-seen type of eczema is called atopic dermatitis, and it results from an overactive immune system, causing the skin to get dry and itchy. You could also have scaly patches, rashes, or blisters, and whichever symptoms you have, they're almost always itchy. Eczema doesn't discriminate on age - both adults and young children can have the symptoms. Adults with atopic dermatitis can often have the rash in the crook of the elbow or knee, but that symptom isn't as common in children.

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Skintifique Review for December 2024 | Best Eczema Products (29) Skintifique Review for December 2024 | Best Eczema Products (30) Skintifique Review for December 2024 | Best Eczema Products (31) Skintifique Review for December 2024 | Best Eczema Products (32) Skintifique Review for December 2024 | Best Eczema Products (33)

Eczema Product FAQ

What is eczema?

Eczema is an itchy inflammation of the skin. The main symptom is a rash that is usually found on the arms or behind the knees, but it can appear anywhere on the body. The skin will usually feel dry and bumpy and may appear cracked.

What causes eczema?

Eczema is usually developed in early childhood and is most common with people who have a family history of the condition. There are certain triggers that can cause eczema to flare up like certain soaps, detergents, wool, dry skin, heat, or emotional stress. Allergens like dust mites, molds, pollen, or food can also be the reason that eczema appears. It is often hard to identify the exact reason that you or your child has eczema.

Is eczema a harmful condition?

If you have eczema, it will not cause any harm to the other areas of your body unless it's left alone and eventually causes a skin infection. The main reason this is a condition people want to get rid of is because it can be extremely uncomfortable. Itching may be intense and scratching only further irritates the skin and causes sores.

How can I get rid of eczema?

Experts usually recommend avoiding soap and other irritants if you're experiencing eczema. These can dry out the skin and make the problem worse. To fully heal from eczema, you may be offered prescription medicines from a doctor, but these could be expensive. Fortunately, there are many highly-rated, safely-developed options you can find online to find fast relief from your eczema.

Are eczema products safe?

Yes! The eczema products available online are developed specifically to nourish skin and heal eczema without causing any further damage or side effects. Some formulas are made with 100% natural ingredients derived from plant sources. You're more likely to find a treatment without harsh chemicals online than if you use a prescription from a doctor.

How much do eczema products cost?

Effective eczema treatments can cost as little as $10! Depending on how severe your case is and how many areas of eczema need to be treated, you may need to purchase a few bottles of an oil or cream, but you'll find that no matter the route you go, you won't pay much. Eczema is a condition that can be treated affordably and quickly.

How are eczema products applied?

Most eczema products come in the form of a cream, serum, or ointment. They are applied directly onto the skin, covering the affected areas. You might be recommended to use some products more than once per day for maximum results, but it takes as little as 1 or 2 minutes for a treatment.

What if I try an eczema product that doesn't work for me?

If you don't have success with the eczema product you use, check to see if it came with a money-back guarantee. Many companies stand by their products with an offer to get a refund if you weren't satisfied with your results. If not, you probably didn't lose too much money since eczema products are so affordable; try a new cream or ointment in hopes that it works better.

Skintifique Review for December 2024 | Best Eczema Products (34)

Continued from above...

Don't worry, though: eczema may be ugly and uncomfortable, but it's not contagious - you didn't catch it from someone and they can't catch it from you. However, atopic dermatitis can be hereditary. Genes combined with environmental triggers such as hay fever or food allergies can cause flare-ups. Emotional stress can cause flare-ups, too.

Contact dermatitis, which is another common type of eczema, has nothing to do with heredity and everything to do with what you've come into contact with. Regardless of which of the seven types of eczema you have, the question is how you can prevent it from showing up or managing it if you already have it. The answer is proper and consistent care of your skin.

Since there's no actual cure, the best you can do is to be nice to your skin by avoiding irritants and, well, stress. These are some of the common household products that are potential irritants:

  • Fragrance in candles
  • Laundry detergents and fabric softeners with certain chemical additives
  • Some shampoos, conditioners, soaps, and body washes
  • Surface cleaners and disinfectants
  • Certain metals in jewelry
  • Fabrics that irritate the skin

You can't really avoid all shampoos, soaps, and household cleaners, but you can choose ones with gentle ingredients. There are several products that cater to those with sensitive skin and allergies. Choose candles without fragrances or with natural fragrances. Try homemade cleaners and wear gloves. Avoid jewelry or wear jewelry made of materials that are easier on the skin. Be sure to avoid wool or polyester in your clothing and sheets. And, keep a log of what your own triggers are so you can remember to avoid them. In fact, the National Eczema Association has an app to help you document your symptoms and triggers.

There are three basic things you can do to keep your flares under control:

  • Know your triggers and avoid them
  • Maintain good bathing and moisturizing habits
  • Use OTC creams and/or prescription medications as prescribed

There are a few types of OTC products for eczema or dermatitis. Lotions and moisturizers should contain ingredients such as aloe, ceramides, glycerin, petrolatum, mineral oil, humectants, and/or parabens. Where your personal preference comes in, or your skin sensitivity, is if you want all-natural ingredients in your product or if you're fine with lab-created ingredients.

Antihistamines and pain relievers can help keep symptoms at bay, and may be used in conjunction with or separately from use of lotions, creams, and ointments. Topical hydrocortisone cream is a low-potency steroid and can help to reduce itching, inflammation, and irritation. Eczema-friendly, medicated shampoos may be helpful for dandruff (seborrheic dermatitis) if they are fragrance-free and contain ketoconazole, selenium sulfide, coal tar, and zinc pyrithione. Sounds confusing? Let us help, as we've done the research for you.

When considering an over-the-counter topical product for eczema symptoms, keep the following in mind:

  • Cost and volume. Sometimes a product with only an ounce or two can be costly. But if it works, it might be worth it.
  • Selection. There are lotions which are thinner and go on nicely, thicker creams, and powerful ointments which might be a bit greasy.
  • Return policy. Eczema probably won't go away in a matter of hours. So if there's a return policy, consider how much time you have to return it, and determine if you'll be reimbursed for shipping and handling as well.
  • Return Policy. If the eczema product doesn't work for you, can you get your money back? How long do you have to try the product before deciding if it is helping you?

Top Consumer Reviews has reviewed and ranked the top over-the-counter products for eczema. We hope this information helps you find a product to relieve your skin from dryness, itching, irritation, or other annoying symptoms of eczema.

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Skintifique Review for December 2024 | Best Eczema Products (2025)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Views: 5619

Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.